


新闻: Meet the Class of 2024; 介绍(医生)斯基兹; Academic regalia guide

餐饮服务: 夏日时光,快闪烧烤

人力资源: 退休及嘉许仪式

‌教职员工成就: 领导力学院学员, 杰森Breves, 达伦Drabek, 迈克尔•邓恩, 杰夫Segrave, 约翰•考, 夏尔曼威利斯

‌公告: 夏季通讯出版时间表, parking lot closures, fall scheduling, family sale day

即将到来的事件: 毕业论文美术作品展


Six Skidmore students smile and pose together at the Fun Day celebrations.

They started in isolation but ended in community: Like the sun that peeked through the eclipse this spring, 快乐, 创造力, 连接, care for others always managed to shine through — meet 火博体育大学’s Class of 2024.

24岁的Braedon Quinlan穿着他的Skids服装站在那里. 他一只胳膊托着斯基德斯的头.

24届即将毕业的大四学生布雷登·昆兰, 医学预科生, has been keeping a closely guarded Skidmore secret: Since last year, 他是斯基德斯·斯克里布纳, 学院标志性的纯种马吉祥物.

Three students in academic regalia face away from the camera with their arms around each other.

在毕业典礼上, Skidmore grads don colorful and symbolic regalia to celebrate their personal journeys and creative accomplishments. 下面是每一件作品讲述的故事指南.



•水疗中心将从上午9:30开始营业.m. 到下午4点.m. through 高级周 and Commencement, beginning its summer hours on Tuesday, 5月28日. During the summer months, the Spa will be open daily from 8 a.m. 到下午2:30.m. 早餐菜单将于上午8点至11点提供.m.; hot soup and a deli menu will be available from 11 a.m. 到下午2:30.m. 在伯吉斯咖啡馆将出售“拿着就走”的商品. More information about 餐饮服务' hours of operation is available on the 餐饮服务网站.


‌Beginning on Tuesday, 5月28日, 餐饮服务 will offer a pop-up grill on Porter Plaza, from 11 a.m. 到2点.m.星期一至星期五. The grill menu features hotdogs, burgers (both beef and plant-based), grilled chicken sandwiches. A combo meal includes your choice of a grill item, two sides, a beverage for $7.99. In the case of rain, the pop-up grill will be relocated to inside the Spa.



‌All employees are invited to attend the annual 退休及嘉许仪式 from noon 到2点.m. 5月21日,周二,在案件中心草坪. En快乐 a delicious lunch and celebrate the milestones and achievements of colleagues.‌


‌人力资源 invites interested Skidmore employees to submit application materials for the openings listed below:  


  • 领导力年度礼品干事-进步

如需申请,请访问 Okta门户. Click on the tile for “Oracle HCM,” click “Me,” and then click on “Current Jobs."你可以访问目前的空缺职位 这里的外部申请者.

‌Concerned applicants for this position should submit a cover letter, CV, 写作样本, 教学的声明, 以及英语系的推荐信, 火博体育大学, 815 N. Broadway, 萨拉托加泉,纽约州12866, Attn: Search Committee.

‌Concerned applicants for this position should submit a cover letter, 目前的简历, 教学的声明, sample syllabi of an introductory course and an intermediate or advanced level course, 带写作样本的研究陈述, names and contact information for three references to the Philosophy Department, 火博体育大学, 815 N. Broadway, 萨拉托加泉,纽约州12866, Attn: Search Committee.


火博体育员工 安琪拉的银行, 约翰·卓别林, 马克Diodato, 克里斯托弗·艾姆丁, 莎拉·盖格农, 詹妮弗·哈迪, 詹姆斯Helicke, 迈克尔Hinrichs, 塔莎詹金斯, 苏珊Koppi, 卡罗尔Kosiba, 凯尔Lancto, 艾米丽Marcason-Tolmie, 迈克尔。麦克菲利普, 布鲁斯·穆雷, 凯瑟琳·迈耶, 蒙特维尔克里斯蒂娜, Tammy Ost, 朱迪·佩顿, 艾米丽·普尔, 詹妮弗·索耶, Lenni沃尔特斯 参加了火博体育学院领导学院. Read more>>

杰森Breves, professor of biology, published a review article in an academic journal. Read more>> 

达伦Drabek, associate director of admissions and coordinator of international student recruitment, 在会议上发表. Read more>> 

迈克尔•邓恩, assistant professor of management and business, two students won an award at a conference. Read more>> 

‌杰夫Segrave, professor of health and human physiological sciences, 约翰•考, resource management and outreach and humanities librarian, 在学术期刊上发表论文. Read more>> 

夏尔曼威利斯, 政治学客座助理教授, was elected to the executive boards of two education associations. Read more>>



从5月22日到8月. 21, the Bulletin will be distributed to faculty and staff only. 它也将被张贴 在线. Submissions to the 教职员工的成就 section will not be accepted over the summer and will be accepted again in the fall. The Bulletin will not be published the weeks of May 29, June 19, July 3. 社署将于八月恢复派发给学生. 28. 提交 公告和活动 通过填写在线表格. 所有提交的截止日期是周一中午. 请电子邮件 swb@jieyangw.com 如果你有问题. ‌


‌天气允许的话, the upper Palamountain and North Hall East parking lots will be closed for paving from Monday, 5月20日, 周一, 5月28日. 


‌请审查 这些详细的指导方针 在5月31日财政年度结束之前. Employees are encouraged to submit expense reimbursements, 付款发票, 以及在此日期之前的相关项目. As a reminder, all transactions are handled through Oracle Cloud. 


EMS 将于5月20日星期一开放秋季课程. Those planning any major college events or lectures should submit their event date using 此网上表格 确保没有冲突. 电子邮件的 调度办公室 有问题吗?. 


‌As part of Skidmore’s partnership with Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC), all employees are eligible to receive a 20% discount on ticket purchases to Freihofer’s Saratoga Jazz Festival (June 29-30), 纽约城市芭蕾舞团(7月9日至13日), 费城交响乐团(7月31日至8月. 3)表演. Use the promotion code SKIDMORE when purchasing your tickets 在线 at spac.org. Note: This discount cannot be applied to Live Nation concerts or other performances.

‌纽约州立暑期作家协会 public readings ‌

‌的 纽约州立暑期作家协会 will offer evening readings by an extraordinary lineup of writers this June and July. The month-long schedule will include readings by Joyce Carol Oates, 保罗·哈丁, 克里斯蒂娜•加西亚, 理查德·布兰科, 和文森·坎宁安, 等. 联系 玛丽亚驶去 了解更多信息. ‌


‌的 夏季爵士学院 宣布2024年系列音乐会. Renewed funding by the National Endowment for the Arts and the New York State Council on the Arts will help sponsor nine free concerts, including Grammy Award-winning Panamanian pianist and composer Danilo Pérez, 冉冉升起的中音萨克斯演奏家Alexa Tarantino, 和其他人. 联系 玛丽亚驶去 了解更多信息. ‌

Give+Go - move-out捐赠收集直到5月18日, 学生们被邀请捐赠不易腐烂的食物, 衣服, gently used home goods to our local nonprofit partners: Backstretch, 三一联盟, 以及首都救援任务. The Sustainability Office calls for Skidmore community volunteers to sign up for donation organization, 周中分拣班, 高年级学生搬家日. 更多信息请访问 给+去网站. ‌ ‌

斯图尔特的签名系列 ‌ ‌

‌今年夏天的 斯图尔特签名系列 includes 夏季爵士学院 concerts and 纽约州立暑期作家协会 readings. 这是达尼洛·帕姆雷斯三人组, Alexa Tarantino四重奏, 以及保罗·哈丁的阅读, 克里斯蒂娜•加西亚, 珍妮Offill, 和其他人. 由Stewart 's Shops和Dake Family赞助, 这些首映活动对当地社区免费. 联系 玛丽亚驶去 有问题的. 


‌的 火博体育分支 将开始它的夏季时间(上午9点).m. 五月二十日(星期一)中午十二时正. It will resume its normal hours of operation on Monday, Aug. 26. 查找其他分支机构位置 在线 or by contacting the Broadview Call Center at (800) 727-3328. 


火博体育商店 will be offering a 15% discount in appreciation of graduating students and their families on Friday, 5月17日. To better accommodate arriving families, the shop will be open from 9:30 a.m. 到5点.m. The shop will also be present at SPAC during Commencement and will be closed the following week. 联系 火博体育商店 有关即将到来的营业时间的更多信息.









‌10:40 a.m. ‌





